May 21Liked by Natalie

This was a brilliant read! I am not a great cook, so I never invite people over for dinner. But you made suggestions to make it so much easier! Thank you for sharing your secrets of being a good host ☺️

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May 21Liked by Natalie

I’ve had your cooking and you are much better than you give yourself credit! I agree with Natalie, we just want to hang out with you and enjoy your company!

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You are too kind ☺️

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You can easily invite people over! You’re hospitable and make great spaghetti 🥰

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May 22Liked by Natalie

Thank you! 🥰

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"You are not inviting people over to impress them but because you deeply value their presence." 💗 I love this, and have already thought how much your approach to hospitality reminds me of Shauna Niequist's - and I LOVE that you focus on the welcome and the reason for the gathering, as you so beautifully capture here - to cherish others, and for them to feel seen and loved and truly welcomed in our homes ("white glove test" not required, ha! Just as well, I am laughing, having just had my mother-in-law to stay with us last weekend! 😬😂). It makes you think how many precious opportunities we miss for true communion and togetherness, because of worrying unnecessarily about surface appearances - I know this has been me, too many times - when in fact, what is really "seen" and remembered is what is felt. And I love, too, that you make the point that takeaout is good, too - again, focusing on the real "takeout", being that those we welcome leave feeling loved and nourished, in every way. I am loving this series!!!! (And those candles!! 😍) XOXO

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Oh, Jenni, thank you for your kind words 💗 I love your comment on "takeout!" Our goal is that others leave feeling loved and nourished. I wish you lived closer so we could have you all here for dinner. XX

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Me too!!!! 💗🥰🥰

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May 21Liked by Natalie

When we visit other people’s homes, I don’t notice furniture, belongings, or how clean it is, I notice the smiles and laughter! I remember the conversations and how I felt in their presence. I remember the fun that we shared.

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