Jan 11Liked by Natalie

Ooo that soup looks good!! Hi! Loved this newsletter! Great recommendations and loved the essay about the family doctor. Doctors here are so hard to come by! I haven’t seen mine in about 4yrs - everything is done by phone or email.

My favorite thing about December was my brother’s dog getting a purse for Christmas which she proudly carried around all day! ☺️ love you xx

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Thank you, Ash 💗The picture of Phoebe carrying purse makes me smile :) Love you!

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How can it be almost the end of the month?!!! Finally catching up and loved this mix of New Year's inspo, links and ideas, as ever! I'm deep-diving the brain health nutrition article, am intrigued by the concept of "glimmers" (so good at this time of year, especially in the daylight-deprived UK!). Also bookmarking the lazy ratatouille and Shannan's soup (and just now going to catch up and try your latest newsletter, devoted to them!!). 🌟💗

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The month is flying by! Thank you for your encouragement, and I'm so happy to hear you've enjoyed all the links! Love you!

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I’m all about the notes app too!! Anything and everything goes there

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Yes! It's so convenient. I keep track of my reading on there, packing lists, travel plans, meals, etc. 🙂

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This is a great newsletter! I love the quote from Neil Gaiman and hope to try these recipes! Wishing you all the best in 2024!

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Thank you, Liz! I hope you enjoy the recipes. They're all tasty 😋 Same to you (especially the book deal!) ❤️

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Thank you so much, Natalie! I'm looking forward to chatting about books with you this year again!

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P.S.! I rely on Notes for writing inspo, and drafting longer texts! 🙌

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