Absolutely gorgeous! I hope to return so I can visit Vecia Cavana. So glad you had an amazing trip!

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You must! Thank you!

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I loved reading about your trip to Italy, Natalie. Your descriptions and pictures are so alluring. They make me want to go there and experience it for myself. Your tips for travel are also a great addition to your newsletter!

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Thank you, Patti. I’m certain you and Brian would love Italy!

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Natalie

I’m so glad you had the opportunity to go there and soak up all that art and atmosphere!! Thank you for taking the time to share this special trip, Italy sounds incredible!! Xx

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Italy is incredible! So thankful we we able to go! ❤️

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Loved reading part two of your Italian adventure(s!) — and the accompanying photo reportage is so beautiful, too (as with your Florence pics!). But just as captivating as the sights you captured and described so vividly were the sounds, too — and the atmosphere. There's just something about church bells ringing out in an Italian town (or city), isn't there? And yes, the Italians love and know how to celebrate an occasion with friends and family. How beautiful that you both got to experience it all, and will keep re-living it through your wonderful photos and memories. ❤️❤️

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Thank you, Jenni ❤️ We had the best time and can’t wait to visit Italy again.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Natalie

Italy was amazing but spending time alone with you was magical! The memories we made together in Italy will be forever remembered. ❤️

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It was indeed magical! 😘😘😘

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